03/27/22 - By Melissa Harvey

The Morganza Cultural District has enrolled as a participant in Love the Boot Week, a state-wide event dedicated to cleanup and beautification events during the week of April 18 - 24.
Love the Boot Week is a statewide effort designed by Keep Louisiana Beautiful to bring thousands of citizens together to participate in cleanup and beautification events. Come join the Beautify Morganza Project on Saturday, April 23rd from 9 am to 1 pm, to show some pride for our village and state.
Clean-up and plantings will take place on Highway 1 between the “Welcome to Morganza” signs. We will start the day at Morganza High School, where the tasks of the event will be managed.
The first 25 volunteers to sign up will receive a free t-shirt for the event. After that, shirts will be available for $6 each. There will be a free lunch for all volunteers following the event. To sign up, email lisarobillard28@yahoo.com. Be sure to include your t-shirt size, if you'd like to order one.
Morganza Cultural District News Release